Fire Safety Training
Fire Protection, and certainly Fire Safety Training must be treated as a priority by all business, large and small, to ensure the safety of its personnel, and the protection of its premises.Spectrum Fire UK is a leading Fire Protection Services company, that is employed by many organisations in the Fire Safety Training of their employees, this now being a legal requirement according to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Fire Safety Training options
You can choose from a range of courses for Fire Safety Training Northamptonshire, all of which can be specifically tailored to meet your needs, and carried out at a time and place to suit you. Whether you have a group of employees needing Fire Warden Training, or if you wish to give your whole team a basic grounding in fire safety, the courses below are ideal.

Includes training in your own fire procedures for all your staff; general fire procedures, raising the alarm, evacuation and assembly instructions, the theory of fire, extinguisher know-how, good housekeeping and planning.
Live fire demonstration.
Duration – 2½ hours.Certificated.

Includes training in your own fire procedures, raising the alarm, evacuation, assembly duties, people behaviour, phased evacuation and disabled evacuation, sweep searching, general fire wardens’ role.
Duration – 3½ hours.Certificated.

Covers theory of fire, classification of fires, extinguisher know-how and handling, hazards and methods of extinction.
Live fire demonstration.
Duration – 1½ hours.Certificated.

Covers raising the alarm, phased and disabled evacuation, sweep searching, people behaviour and assembly instructions.
Duration – 1½ hours. Certificated.

Covers areas of responsibility at the Assembly Point, dealing with people behaviour and collating and forwarding on vital information to the fire authority.
Duration – 2 hours.

All volunteers paid or unpaid must now be given instruction on Fire Safety Training, designed around your Fire Policy and procedures.
Duration – 1½ hour.