We are an independent company with no ties to a manufacturer or parent company. Spectrum Fire UK is run on a day-to-day basis by the four Owner/Directors, who all have a great deal of experience and knowledge of the fire protection services industry. They continue to be involved directly in all the services they offer, as well as dealing with clients.
We are specialists in Fire Protection Services with our main office and depot in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. We also have an office in Harrow, Greater London. Through these two offices we are able to serve the majority of the country.
Our client base is varied, made up of many small to large businesses and organisations, each with a shared common requirement, for working with a company they can trust and rely upon to deliver Fire Protection services in a professional manner. Fire protection of your business or premises is certainly a serious consideration that should be undertaken, and choosing a suitable services provider should not be taken lightly.